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Strive for more than being a custodian leader and become a change leader for your business

Custodian leadership mainly focuses on diligently coordinating the teams that report to them and ensuring they deliver what is expected. Such leadership is needed in organisations because unless the day-to-day business is in check, it will take all the attention. However, in organisations that must adapt continually to the evolving landscape, being a good custodian leader is no longer sufficient. Leaders should strive for more, become continuous change leaders and work at the full scope of their leadership agency.  


We help leaders develop change and coaching skills by integrating the four dimensions below into their leadership.​ We also support leadership development at all levels. 

The leadership of changing organisations for better Flow

Flow is a broad concept and construct in organisations. It brings everything together. Organisations flow by strongly aligning the topologies of their value chains, aligning strategies, and deploying them while ensuring excellence. 


The concept of flow is also a human construct. People feel fulfilled when they fully play their roles, add value, enjoy their relationships with their connections, and find meaning in their roles. Flow is what attracts and retains talents in the new world of work. 


We help and coach leaders, taking a flow perspective and becoming the agents of continuous change to improve Flow and performance in their businesses. â€‹


​Henko brings training to new concepts in new ways. Our training offerings aim to move you away from the traditional "methodified" theoretical approaches and focus on contextualising the application, therefore developing the adoption and the leadership in the same effort. The training education can also be distilled in our individual and group coaching programmes. 


Unique Content

Our content is the next level in Leadership development, Flow Thinking, Strategy, Agile roles, Coaching competencies, etc.


Continuous Journeys

We believe that personal development should be continuous and so should the training. Bite size learning is also the best way to bring into practice.


Modular Options

We have a quantity of training modules that we can combine in different ways to accommodate your specific needs and circumstances. 


Stimulating Reflections

In Knowledge Work it is essential to reconnect people, teams, leadership with "Thinking". Our trainings follow this coaching ethos. 

Henko services for leadership talent development

Below are the services businesses can commission to develop leadership initiatives at all organisational levels, from leaders to team and organisational system dynamics. We can also help you design combined change and L&D programmes or refresh your leadership programmes with a systemic perspective.

Please contact us to organise those.


Alternatively, you can buy services that are available to the public directly from the Change Maker section » 

Filter by Leadership Development Services
Commission an in-house cohort

Commission an in-house cohort

Initial consultation to discuss commissioning training, labs or coaching programmes as in-house cohorts.

Change coaching for a leadership team

Change coaching for a leadership team

On-going coaching assistance to help a leadership team navigate the decision landscape of change.

Executive sparring partner for change

Executive sparring partner for change

On-going Assistance to help C-level executives & directors navigate the decision landscape of change.

Startup entrepreneur sparring partner

Startup entrepreneur sparring partner

Assistance to help startup entrepreneurs develop their leadership including strategy and excellence considerations.

Growth support for a startup team

Growth support for a startup team

Assistance to help a startup leadership team navigate the busy-ness of the environment and focus their choices.

Executive coaching

Executive coaching

Coaching/Mentoring for executives leading change and complexity in their organisation.

Manager growth coaching

Manager growth coaching

Coaching/Mentoring for mid-management and team leaders managing in a changing organisation.

Career coaching - mapping your strategy

Career coaching - mapping your strategy

Career coaching using strategy tools to map your personal strategy. We coach/facilitate you through the process. Be ready to discover unique insights!

Design of systemic coaching programmes

Design of systemic coaching programmes

Design team and system coaching programmes to improve collaboration across the business.

Team & system dynamics coaching

Team & system dynamics coaching

Systemic coaching is for healthy collaboration in teams, leadership teams, and across teams of an organisation.

Systemic additions to L&D programmes

Systemic additions to L&D programmes

Updating your in-house leadership development programmes with Systemic Leadership perspectives and leadership with coaching skills.

LeanTech leadership coaching

LeanTech leadership coaching

Specialist coaching of senior roles to LeanTech and Kaizen leadership competencies to become an effective LeanTech leader.

LeanTech leadership supervision lab

LeanTech leadership supervision lab

Internal coaching labs focused on developing LeanTech Leadership skills with your people in practice.

Agile collaboration effectiveness lab

Agile collaboration effectiveness lab

Coaching labs focused on the collaboration effectiveness of the Agile team events and developing the next level of scrum-mastering practices.

Coaching supervision for Agile leaders

Coaching supervision for Agile leaders

Supervision for Agile leadership roles, Agile coaches and practitioners working with Agile change.

Engineering leadership growth lab

Engineering leadership growth lab

In-house growth coaching labs focused on developing leadership skills with your engineers.

Tailored practice supervision labs

Tailored practice supervision labs

Supervision coaching labs, tailor-designed to focus reflections on adopting new specific practices.

Facilitation of expert communities

Facilitation of expert communities

Management of an engaging schedule of activities for inhouse Centres of Excellence or Guilds.

Promoting Coaching Cultures in your organisation

Promoting Coaching Cultures in your organisation

Series of systemic coaching workshops promoting coaching cultures in your organisation.

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